Social Responsibility
Sometimes all it takes is an impulse for someone to catch wings
Often, is all about the right person in the right place and we always try to be there. An act of kindness will also generate other acts of kindness.
Through some non-profit associations, we are actively involved in the Community we live in. The purpose of these associations is to remedy and preserve the health of children and young people from disadvantaged social backgrounds, by providing financial support and facilitating access to healthcare. Our aim is to improve their quality of life and to reintegrate them as productive members of society.
A glimmer of hope for society
Since 2008 we have managed to support over 1500 people with disadvantaged social backgrounds by providing access to medical services both in clinics in the country and abroad. We are glad that, through our actions, we have contributed to a healthier society. We have been involved and continue to be involved in projects carried out on different social topics, so as to include several social categories, from different geographical areas.
We are happy that we are able to get involved in our Community every day. Our reward is not in advertising these efforts, but we have always found it in the reactions of the people for whom we have managed to lend a helping hand.